Sunday, November 20, 2011

My First 10 mins

My first 10 mins of practice writing. I can write anything. I can write about shoe laces in baby blue shoes, size 8 shoe. About the boy who ate grammas couch one piece of fuzz at a time.

I am going to save this so I can see what a difference there is as I continue to do writing practice.

Work today was pretty good, did owner changes all day. Much better than working the front counter or taking customer calls. I heard a few of my coworkers on the phone and the one at the counter and thought that I was glad I didn’t have to deal with that cuwtomer. A lot of customers can be pretty nasty.

My daughter asked if she can borrow one of my shirts. It’s dirty. My grandson’s name is Aiden, he’s 3 and boy can he be a handful. I’m babysitting tonight while his mom is on a date. He’s getting a bath.

Aiden doesn’t like to sleep in his own bed. If he does have to go to sleep in his own bed, he ususlly gets up in the middle of the night and comes to my bed. He is afraid of the dark and crys about it if you puit him to bed with the light off…he has to have the light on. But he sure doesn’t have a problem getting up in the dark room he shares with his mom, find the bedroom door, in the dark and walk to grammas room…in the dark.

While I was reading about this practice writing, I was on the treadmill and thought of stuff I’d write about, but of course I can’t think of what they were not, but this practice writing is just supposed to be writing. It said even if I write over and over again, “this is stupid, this is stupid, this is…” you get the idea. It’s not stupid, I just hope I can still come up with something to say for a whole ten minutes. I’m almost there, four more to go.

I am one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, have been for about 17 years. Got baptized in November 1994. My husband walked out on me and our two kids in December that same year. He’s says it cause I became one of Jehovah’s Witnesses…we were having problems long before then. Can’t have a marriage with one of the spouses isn’t home often. Cheating of course.

No more of makes me angry.

I’m 53, amost said 52. recently had a birthday, still getting used to it. Not so bad being in my 50’s except I am noticing more and more things that don’t work right anymore, like my knees. I’ve bee running on the treadmill and it dosen’t hurt to do that, but they do hurt to sit at a desk all day…they are bent and it think that’s what irritates them.

Well, my ten mins are done.
As I did this exercise, I started out thinking I’d write a bunch of stupid stuff…just words, but as I went I noticed that one thought led to another. It felt pretty good to do this and if I had the time, I may have taken longer than ten mins. I started out slow but as the thoughts came to me, the faster I wrote so I wouldn’t forget them.
1. Beginning writer. Just learning. Have tried a few times to write a story but didn’t get much past the first paragraph.

2. How to bring a story together.

3. How to get thoughts to flow
I am sitting in my jammies early in the morning while things are still quiet. Cup of tea at my side. (I’d like it to be coffee, but coffee isn’t good for me, so green tea it is). I’m at my desk in the living room.

at a large picture window over looking a field or a quiet lake. Or in a loft in some big city over looking a city park. In a loft in Seattle, overlooking the bay, to my left is Pikes market. It’s a cool over cast day.

At my desk in the evening after Aiden has gone to bed.

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